Building a Healthier Community with Park Improvements
Revitalizing public parks offers substantial quality-of-life benefits that can transform communities into vibrant, healthy, and economically thriving areas. As the City of Las Cruces considers a modest increase to the local portion of the gross receipts tax (GRT), it is essential for residents to understand the broad implications of this…
Modernizing Public Safety for a Better Las Cruces
Modernizing Public Safety for a Better Las Cruces As our city grows, the need for robust public safety infrastructure becomes more critical. This fall, the City proposes a modest increase to the local gross receipts tax (GRT) to fund essential projects, including a new downtown public safety complex. This investment…
Strategic Investment Needed to Combat Today’s Construction Costs
As Las Cruces continues to grow, investing strategically in our infrastructure is essential to ensure the well-being of all residents. Our population has surged by over 50% since 2000, reaching nearly 115,000 today. This rapid growth has brought numerous opportunities, but it also presents significant challenges, especially in maintaining and…
Building a Better Las Cruces Together
Las Cruces is growing, and as our community continues to expand, we need to make smart investments to maintain our quality of life. This fall, the City is proposing a modest increase in the local gross receipts tax (GRT) to fund essential projects that will improve public safety, upgrade our…