Lift Up Program

Lift Up Las Cruces is a multi-department effort of the City of Las Cruces to improve neighborhoods one at a time. The annual program, which began in 2022, works with the residents to identify their needs and concerns within their neighborhood. The city then allocates our limited resources in this concentrated area to make a larger impact in that neighborhood through actionable projects. Some examples of these projects are road improvements, bus shelters, neighborhood clean-up initiatives, or City-sponsored events.

Where is Lift Up now?

The City of Las Cruces is currently implementing the Lift Up Las Cruces program in the neighborhood that is boarded on the north by E. Amador Avenue, the south by Idaho Avenue, the west by El Paseo Road/S. Campo Street, and the east by Solano Drive. You can view a more accurate map below to see the specific boundaries.

Lift Up Neighborhood 1

The boundaries of the neighborhood one stretched from Solano Drive to Triviz Drive and from Madrid Avenue to Spruce Avenue. The city hosted a kick-off block party, which featured various departments from the City, as well as community services, aiming to connect with the residents of the neighborhood and educate them about the services provided.

Lift Up Neighborhood Kick-Off Block Party 2022

The 2022 Lift Up Block Party was a great success! The event was held on Ash Avenue to introduce the Lift Up program to the people of the neighborhood. There were numerous City and community services present, and many people from the neighborhood turned up for the event. The party was a great opportunity for residents to learn about all of the different services that are available to them, and to meet the people who provide those services. It was also a fun day filled with music, games, and food. The event was a great way to bring the community together and help improve the neighborhood.


Lift Up Las Cruces Neighborhood 1 accomplishments

Lift Up Las Cruces has achieved numerous accomplishments over the span of one year. The Parks and Recreation Department provided cultural and entertainment opportunities by hosting four successful Music in the Park events throughout the month of August at Apodaca Park. In November 2022, the city held a turkey drive and handed out (80) turkeys to the residents. Las Cruces Police Department has helped reduce the amount of crime by implementing hot spot policing, which uses data to focus officers to patrol in high crime areas. The Public Works Department also made a huge impact on the conditions of the transportation infrastructure within the neighborhood. Below are the infrastructure projects completed throughout the neighborhood:

Calle Sosa – Ash Ave to Mulberry Ave Pavement Replacement $55,000 Mar-23 A project to mill and replace the asphalt roadways as well as targeted and needed ADA improvements.
ADA Ramps $9,000
N. Willow St. – Mulberry Ave. to Ash Ave. Pavement Replacement $50,000 Mar-23 A project to mill and replace the asphalt roadway as well as targeted and needed ADA improvements.
ADA Ramps $5,000
Elder St./Mulberry Ave. Pavement Replacement $49,000 Mar-23 A project to mill and replace the asphalt roadway as well as targeted and needed ADA improvements.
ADA $3,600
Walnut St., Kilmer, Ash, and Evelyn 2″ Mill/Inlay, bike lanes, driveway and ADA improvements, Permanent Signing and Striping, Bike Lane Signage $404,000 Mar-23 A project to mill and replace the asphalt roadway as well as new bike lanes, driveway and ADA and Sidewalk improvements, Permanent Signing and Striping, Bike Lane Signage & Utility Improvements
Waterline $219,000
Madrid Ave. ADA improvements, concrete work: sidewalk gaps, driveways, curb & gutter (bumpouts) – $204,000 Mar-23 A project to mill & replace the asphalt roadway as well as new bike lanes, traffic calming, driveway & ADA & Sidewalk improvements, Permanent Signing & Striping, Bike Lane Signage & Utility Improvements
2” Mill/Inlay, bike lanes, on street parking, crosswalks, permanent signing & striping – $613,000
8” water line, 4” gas line, 8” sewer line – $702,000

Lift Up Neighborhood 2

Lift Up Las Cruces is currently in the neighborhood that is boarded on the north by E. Amador Avenue, the south by Idaho Avenue, and the west by El Paseo Road/S. Campo Street, and the east by Solano Drive. You can view a more accurate map below to see the specific boundaries.

Next Steps

The city conducted a survey in the new Lift Up neighborhood to gather input from residents regarding desired improvements. It’s crucial to collect feedback from residents to ensure we address their needs and concerns rather than imposing our own assumptions. Below are some of the survey results regarding suggested improvements:

Top Improvement recommendations

  • More street lighting
  • Improve street maintenance
  • Add mobile surveillance cameras
  • Neighborhood clean-up events
  • Community policing
  • Weed/junk removal

Additional Assistance

  • Rent payment assistance
  • Utility payment assistance
  • Help with public benefits (SNAP, TANF, WIC, etc.)
  • Internet access
  • Repair/rehab assistance for their home

Tentative Projects

Dept Approx. Cost Project Description Timeline
Utilities $170.00 pull fee per roll-off, which SW will cover./ Approx. cost of disposal $150.00 per roll off. Neighborhood clean-up event with roll-off dumpster (approx. 2 events)

Dates TBD

Utilities Host a Career event at Valley View Elementary with the utilities department in the spring or fall of 2024 Spring or fall 2024


Utilities Water Conservation event/presentation at Valley View Elementary Spring or fall 2024
Public Works $1,025,000.00 Street Light upgrades scattered within the Mesquite Historic District area south of Lohman 2 years ending mid-2026
Public Works $450,000.00 Pavement Replacement on Almendra St & Alamo St 8 months ending late 2024
Quality of Life $200,000.00 A public art piece at Munson Center or Park TBD
Quality of Life $3,200,000.00 The project will add a 4,000-square-foot addition to the Munson Center to accommodate a multi-purpose room for recreation activities including exercise equipment and classes, dances, and other programs. Design complete; groundbreaking expected in March 2024
Quality of life $60,000.00 Security Services at Munson (safety in community) On going
Parks  $300,000.00 Playground and safety surfacing replacement TBD
Parks $100,000.00 Site furnishings including shade structure TBD
Fire Engine safety and career presentation at Valley View Elementary Date TBD