Planning & Implementation

City of Las Cruces Strategic Plan


The City Council adopted a new Strategic Plan for the City of Las Cruces on March 15, 2021. The Strategic Plan is a mid-term planning tool used by the City Council, City Management, and Staff to identify community priorities and budget accordingly.


The Strategic Plan is organized into six themes:

  • Community Prosperity
  • Education and community services
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Capital improvements and infrastructure
  • Public safety
  • Communication, involvement, and follow-up


Each theme in the Strategic Plan contains several goals for a total of 55 goals. The majority of these goals were developed during the two-year planning process for Elevate Las Cruces, the City’s Comprehensive Plan. In addition to these, the City Council identified nine Council Goals, also to be prioritized in the short-to-mid term planning horizon.


Las Cruces is an inclusive community, recognized for its cultural diversity, enchanting natural amenities, and vibrant quality of life. We are committed to enhancing our livability, prosperity, and environment for the shared benefit of current and future generations of Las Crucens in a fiscally and socially sustainable manner.

City Mission

The Mission of the City of Las Cruces is to provide customer-focused municipal services to residents, businesses, and guests so they can experience a “quality of place” to live, work and play.

La Misión de la Ciudad de Las Cruces es proveer servicios municipales enfocados al cliente a residentes, negocios e invitados para que puedan experimentar una ‘calidad de lugar’ para vivir, trabajar y jug.