October is Las Cruces Public Art Month and we have lots to celebrate. The City Art Board and Las Cruces Public Art (LCPA) have been very busy this past year. The first ever “Art Stop” bus shelter art exhibit launches this month. Original artworks will be displayed at six bus shelters throughout the city for an entire year. The inaugural “Art Stop” is a pilot project, the brainchild of City Art Board members who wanted to create an opportunity to showcase regional artists. If all goes well, we hope to extend the exhibit to include more locations, more featured artists, and more art to display. Look for the official announcement with locations coming soon. One of the six bus shelters that will feature artwork selected for “Art Stop” exhibit. Klein Park in the Mesquite Historic District is getting an art mural along the perimeter walls. Artist Diego Medina begin work on the project in mid-September and hopes to complete the project by the end of October. It’s not a small endeavor by any means; he plans to solicit the help of students and neighborhood residents. Swing by and see his progress and process. Proposed design by Diego Medina for Klein Park walls. Did you know the LCPA program has a virtual art tour with an interactive public art map that highlights the Las Cruces Public Art Collection?“Unhidden Gems: Public Art in the City of Las Cruces”has clickable dots that lead you to art in various areas of the city. The art tour includes photos of the artwork, its name, the artist, the year it was created, and information about the artwork. “Unhidden Gems” can be accessed with electronic devices by clickingon this link. However, nothing beats seeing the real artwork. Look for your favorites in person. Repair of theEarth and Cosmosmosaic in La Placita is on track to being completed. Artist Glenn Schwaiger begins the final phases of the restoration process in his studio this month, and if all goes well, will install the restored slab at the site by early next year, if not sooner. Damage was caused by a watermain break a few years ago. Artist Glenn Schwaiger maps the broken slab in an earlier phase of repair plan. Exciting new projects are in the process of being developed as well. The Public Art Program with the City Art Board are in various stages of research for new projects being funded by General Obligation bonds. Projects include new public art at the future Fire Station #9 in District 5, the East Mesa Public Recreation Complex, and other locations to be determined. The process for selecting artwork for these projects includes public input at selection committee meetings; all are welcome to attend. Dates will be posted on our website, social media and by press release. If you are interested in attending, sign up for notifications from Calendar or News Flash athttps://www.lascruces.gov/list.aspx. The City Art Board and LCPA program focus on City projects, but there are so many other great art projects happening around the city by other organizations and private property owners. It’s very inspiring when the community appreciates and embraces public art. Happy Las Cruces Public Art Month everyone! Rubber Ducks blog is brought to you by the Las Cruces Public Art program of the Quality of Life Department, City of Las Cruces, to share ideas, information, discussions, trends, and all things public art. Please send comments and ideas for future blogs to[email protected].

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