Public Art Maintenance and Restoration

Public art is a community asset that should be properly maintained. Las Cruces Public Art will regularly conduct a survey of the condition of each work in the public art collection belonging to the City of Las Cruces and provide care accordingly.

If you would like to report concerns or issues with the condition of a piece of public art, please call 575/541-2780 or email [email protected]

Current Maintenance or Restoration Projects

Status of maintenance, restoration and repair projects, including updates, are listed below.

Earth and Cosmos Tiled Mosaic Restoration

December 2020 – A main water line broke under the walkway covered by a section of the mosaic tile. The northwest corner of the mosaic was damaged while removing it to access the broken pipe. The mosaic will need to be restored and reset into a new section of concrete so that it matches the undamaged areas of the mosaic.

Assessment was done by the Art Program Coordinator, Public Works and the artist to determine next steps which are as follows:

Phase One (Completed): 1. Artist will map the broken piece of mosaic to create a numbered outline that can be used as reference when restoring the mosaic. 2. City staff will move damaged pieces of mosaic to a secure area and temporarily fill hole with asphalt for public safety.

Phase Two (Completed): Artist will use smaller pieces from the broken mosaic to test techniques for removing tile pieces that can be reused to reconstruct the damage section of mosaic. Artist will do this in his studio.

CAB Update (Completed): Artist will give an update to the City Art Board (CAB) at their July board meeting. The update will include what the next phase will be and approximate cost of completing the repair. Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 14 in City Hall, Conference Room 2007-A. City Art Board meetings are open to the public.

June 2023 – Insurance claim has been awarded to the City and will be used to repair the mosaic. In process of contracting with artist so work can begin.

May 2024 – Artist is working on Phase Three and Phase Four. Tentatively scheduled to place newly repaired slab on sidewalk in July 2025.