
Senior Programs Advisory Board Agenda for June 13, 2024

Meeting will be held on June 13, 2024 11:00 am at Frank O'Brien Papen Center, 304 W. Bell Avenue, Las Cruces, New Mexico

1. Call to Order
1.1. Please silence or turn off cell phones.
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Moment of Silence
5. Approval of the Agenda
5.1. June 13, 2024
6. Conflict of Interest
The chairperson shall ask if any board member or City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.
7. Public Comment
8. Action Items
8.1. Approval of May 9, 2024 Senior Programs Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
9. Discussion Items
a. Senior Programs Deputy Director’s Report
10. Updates
a. Chair and Board Members
11. New Business
10.1. Chairperson Nominations’ Committee Appointment by Acting Chair Belinda Soto
12. Training
11.1. Six Pillars of Brain Health by Joan Crowley/Lois Visage
13. Adjournment