
Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for May 28, 2024

Meeting will be held on May 28, 2024 6:00 pm at Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
    PZ Minutes 04232024.pdf
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Postponements
5. Acceptance of the Agenda
6. Public Participation
7. Consent Agenda
    7.1. Case No. 24ZO5000050
        A request to approve an Infill Development Process (IDP) proposal to allow an attached corner sign, wall mural, and wall sign for the redevelopment of an existing commercial building. The subject property is located at 340 N. Main Street, is zoned DDC-MS (Downtown Development Code-Main Street) and located within the Downtown Development Code (DDC) Overlay District. Submitted by Fluorescent Signs Inc., representative. Council District 1.
    7.2. Case No. 24ZO0500052
        A request to approve a proposed zone change from A-2 (Rural Agricultural, 1981 Zoning Code) to C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) on a property encompassing 1.89 ± acres and located at 3098 E. University Avenue. The zone change request seeks to bring the property into compliance with the 2001 Zoning Code as amended. Submitted by Maverik C-Store, representative. City Council District 2.
8. Old Business
    8.1. Case No. 22ZO0500156
        A request to approve a zone change from R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) to R-4 (Multi-Dwelling High Density & Limited Retail and Office) for land ± 5.00 acres in size and located at 2795 N. Roadrunner Parkway. Submitted by Tafiq Hindash – AJ Construction, LLC on behalf of Mohamed Aswad, M.D., property owner. Council District 3.
9. New Business
    9.1. Case No. 24VO0500047
        A request to approve a variance of ± 23 feet to the required 25-foot front yard setback required for carports/garages in the R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) zoning district. The property is located at 4861 Garnet Street and is ± 0.160 acres in size. Submitted by Harold Pozas, property owner. Council District 5.
    9.2. Case No. 23ZO0500027
        A request to approve a zone change from R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) to C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) for 5.00 + acres and OS-R (Open Space-Recreation) for the remaining 43.75 + acres of a parcel located at 2040, 2045, 2060 & 2065 E. Madrid Avenue. The proposed zone change aligns with the Apodaca Blue Print. Submitted by Souder, Miller & Associates, Representative. Council District 1.
    9.3. Case No. 24CS0500021
        A request to approve a master plan known as the Tierra Hermosa Master Plan for property that encompasses 54.286 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and is located on the east side of Porter Drive, south of Village Drive and north of Central Road. The master plan proposes mostly a single-family residential development with 354 single-family townhome and detached home lots with one tract of land dedicated for drainage, one tract dedicated for a park and two lots for potential future commercial development along Porter Drive. Submitted by GEM Surveying, representative. Council District 5.
    9.4. Case No. 24CS0500022
        A request to approve a preliminary plat known as the Tierra Hermosa Phase 1 Preliminary Plat for property that encompasses 14.745 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and is located on the east side of Porter Drive, south of Village Drive and north of Central Road. The plat proposes 96 single-family townhome and detached home lots with one tract of land dedicated for drainage. All proposed internal roads and adjacent roadways requiring improvements providing access to Phase 1 shall be developed with this phase. Submitted by GEM Surveying, representative. Council District 5.
    9.5. Case No. 24CS0500048
        A request to approve a preliminary plat known as the Tierra Hermosa Phase 2 Preliminary Plat for property that encompasses 12.368 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and is located on the east side of Porter Drive, south of Village Drive and north of Central Road. The plat proposes 76 single-family townhome and detached home lots with one tract of land dedicated for a park. All proposed internal roads and adjacent roadways requiring improvements providing access to Phase 2 shall be developed with this phase. Submitted by GEM Surveying, representative. Council District 5.
10. Discussion
11. Staff Announcements
12. Adjournment