
Historic Preservation Commission Agenda for March 21, 2024

Meeting will be held on March 21, 2024 6:00 pm at Las Cruces City Hall in the City Council Chambers

1. Call to order and approval of the meeting agenda
2. Approval of Minutes
    02-21-24 HPC Minutes.docx
3. South Mesquite Overlay District- Design Review & Case Recommendations
    3.1 Old Business
    3.2 New Business
4. Historic Preservation District- Preservation Actions (Certificate of Appropriateness)
    a. Old Business
    b. New Business
        i. A Certificate of Appropriateness application for accessory structures for a property located at 195 N. Mesquite Street (La Nueva Casita).
        ii. A Certificate of Appropriateness application for window replacements, new fencing, and alterations to the front porch for a property located at 550 S. Manzanita Street.
        iii. A Certificate of Appropriateness application for proposed improvements and alterations to an existing home and casita located at 327 E. Bowman Avenue.
        iv. A Certificate of Appropriateness application for the proposed construction of a new structure at 325 McFie Avenue.
5. Discussion Items
6. Public Participation
7. Staff Announcements
8. Other Items
9. Adjournment