
Doña Ana County Juvenile Justice Continuum Board Agenda for March 6, 2024

Meeting will be held on March 6, 2024 12:00 pm at City Hall Room 2007A, 700 N. Main St., Las Cruces, NM

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Welcome and Introductions
  4. Conflict of Interest
    1. At the opening of each meeting, the Chairperson shall ask if any member on the Board or City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.
  5. Acceptance of Agenda
  6. Approval of Minutes
    1. Doña Ana County Juvenile Justice Continuum Board Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2023
      1. Documents:
        1. 10-18-23 DACJJC Minutes.pdf
  7. Public Participation
  8. New Business
    1. Bianca Padilla, JJ Specialist, JJS Special Program Unit
      1. Continuum History
      2. Role of the Continuum Coordinator and Local Board
    2. Open Board Member Discussion : Why is the DACJJC Board Important?
      1. What is your vision for the continuum or board?
      2. What do you need more education about?
  9. Action Items
    1. DACJJCB FY24 Meeting Rescheduled: June 19, 2024 to June 12, 2024
    2. 2024 DACJJC Board Workshop Proposal
      1. Proposed Date 03/28/24 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM with Lunch Provided
      2. Alternative Proposed Dates by Board Members
      3. Working Session to Update or Review By-Laws, Strategic Plan, Needs Assessment, MOU, and Board Roster
  10. Updates
    1. CYFD FY25-27 Application
    2. Continuum Services Youth Development & Diversion Program
    3. Continuum Services – JARC
  11. Adjournment