
Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Agenda for April 27, 2023

Meeting will be held on April 27, 2023 1:30 pm at Utilities Center, Conference Room 225, located at 680 N. Motel Boulevard

  1. Welcome New Member Edward E. Haworth
  2. Mark O’Neill Resignation Letter.
  3. Alma’s New Position with the City.
  4. Conflict of Interest:
    1. At the opening of each meeting, the Chairperson shall ask if any member on the Committee or any member of the City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.
  5. Acceptance of Agenda.
  6. Acceptance of the Minutes:
    1. Regular Meeting on March 23, 2023.
  7. City Staff and/or Consultant Follow-Up:
    1. Timeline Check Points/Updates on Studies requested by Chair Curnutt:
      1. Utilities Development Impact Fee Timeline Update by Domonique Rodriquez.
      2. Parks & Recreation Timeline Verbal Updates by Cathy Mathews:
        1. Parks & Recreation Grant Update.
        2. Parks & Recreation Go Bond Funding for Unidad Park and Splash Pad Update.
        3. City of Las Cruces Legal Response to Impact DIF application to Parks & Recreation Projects.
        4. Parks & Recreation Facilities Tour Update.
      3. Public Safety Facilities Tour Verbal Update by Chief Smith.
      4. Training Packets and Training Schedule Update by Domonique Rodriguez/Jamie Dawes.
  8. Old Business:
    1. Parks & Recreation Development Impact Fee Verbal Update by Cathy Mathews.
    2. Utilities Development Impact Fee Update by TischlerBise Consultant Julie Herlands.
    3. 2022 CIAC Annual Report Verbal Update by CIAC Members.
    4. Utilities Facilities Tour’s Verbal Update by Melanie Castaneda.
  9. New Business
    1. Utilities FY23 Q2 Financial Review Update by Domonique Rodriguez. 
    2. Parks & Recreation FY23 Q2 Financial Review Update by Sarah Arvizo.
    3. Public Safety FY23 Q2 Financial Review Update by Sarah Arvizo. 
    4. Community Development CY23 Q1 Construction Activity Update by Larry Nichols. 
    5. At- Large Vacancy Seat Verbal Update by Denise Alejandre.
  10. Next Regular Meeting: May 25, 2023:
    1. May 25, 20223:
    2. Old Business:
      1. Parks & Recreation Impact Fee Update by Robert Nunez/Sonya Delgado.
      2. Utilities Development Impact Fee by Domonique Rodriquez.
      3. New Business: None.
  11. Public Participation.
  12. Board Comments.
    1. Review City Staff and/or Consultant Follow-Up Items by Chair Curnutt.
  13. Adjournment.