
Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Agenda for June 22, 2023

Meeting will be held on June 22, 2023 1:30 pm at Utilities Center, Conference Room 225, located at 680 N. Motel Boulevard

1. Conflict of Interest:
At the opening of each meeting, the Chairperson shall ask if any member on the Committee or any member of the City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.

2. Administration Items:
A. Welcome New Member Doug Butler by Vice Chair Newby.

B. Present Mark O’Neil with a plaque for service on Committee.

3. Acceptance of Agenda.
4. Acceptance of the Minutes.

5. Public Participation.
6. City Staff and/or Consultant Follow-Up:
A. Choose a date for Parks & Rec. Tour: August 3rd or 10th or both.

B. Discuss Annual Report.

C. Utilities Impact Fee.

7. New Business: None.
8. Action:
A. Vote on Utilities Development Impact Fees.

9. Training Session by Nann Winter:
A. Robert’s Rule of Order.

B. Governmental Code of Conduct.

10. Board Comments.
Review City Staff and/or Consultant Follow-Up Items by Chair Curnutt.
11. Next Regular Meeting: July 27, 2023:
12. Adjournment.